We cannot continue the amazing work of the school without your partnership alongside us.
Any donations that World Impact received for Los Angeles Christian School has been transferred to us, BUT they will stop receiving donations for us. As a result, we are asking that supporters transition their giving directly to Los Angeles Christian School at this point. Following is information on how to do this:
- If you write a check, you can write it to “Los Angeles Christian School” and send it to our new mailing address: Los Angeles Christian School P.O. Box 7568 LA, CA 90007.
- If you want to give online, you can click on the yellow “DONATE NOW” button in the upper right corner of our website.
- To direct your giving to the correct fund, follow the relevant instructions:
- If you currently give to the LACS general fund, after you click “DONATE NOW,” select “General.”
- If you currently sponsor a student, after you click “DONATE NOW,” select “Student Sponsorship.”
- If you support the ministry of an individual at the school, you can continue to so by clicking the “Support My Ministry” button below their picture on the Faculty/Staff page (click HERE).
- You can either give one-time gifts or set up recurring giving on our website.
- You will have the option of giving by bank transfer or credit card. Bank transfers have much lower fees, so we prefer those, but we are happy with whatever is most convenient for you.
- If you have a recurring donation through World Impact, you can cancel that by emailing Eveling Melendez at emelendez@worldimpact.org.
- If you give through a giving fund, we just received our nonprofit tax exempt status. Our Tax ID number is 85-3685167.
- If you have any other questions about your giving, please contact Julie Deas at jdeas@losangeleschristianschool.org.
Thank you for your continued prayers, love and support. We thank God for you and your role in shaping lives for His Kingdom.